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What is Project Akbay?
This project aims to connect current MGCNL students with the school alumni through posts, interviews, and other related advice series. We decided to come up with this project in order to foster a sense of community and provide a space where students could ask for advice from more experienced alumni.
About: About
Meet the Team
Steffi Chu - Social Media Manager
Grace Gaw - Head of Alumni Connections
Raeka Gonzaga - Head Layout Artist
Flaire Yulangco - Overall Editor
About: Text
Our Vision
We want to provide a helping hand by bridging those who need it and those who could provide it through connecting MGC Alumni with current MGCNLCA students.
About: Welcome
Our Mission
We want to make a social impact on teenagers who are in a very important stage of their lives—college applications.
About: Welcome
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