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College Applications Pandemic Edition with Achi Chaella Pinlac and Achi Caitlyn Cu

Writer's picture: project akbayproject akbay

What school were you planning to apply for prior to the pandemic? Did this change in

anyway during the pandemic and why?

Achi Chaella: I planned to apply to UP and Ateneo. UP was really the goal because apart from the quality education they provide, it’s free tuition! These plans didn’t change when the pandemic came along, but the steps I took to accomplish these were definitely not what we were expecting before covid hit.

Achi Caitlyn: Prior to the pandemic, I was planning to apply to the four main schools in Manila (ADMU, DLSU, UP, and UST) and two schools in Canada (UBC and U of T). My plans changed drastically during the pandemic because my parents discouraged me from leaving the country. Hence, I only applied to schools in Manila.

Prior to the pandemic, how were you preparing for college applications?

Achi Chaella: I attended Brain Train which I didn’t end up needing since we didn’t take any CETs, but I honestly still found it helpful. I think that brushing up on these basic lessons were beneficial in the long run because many of the tips they gave us are still useful in college.

Achi Caitlyn: I took review classes the summer before we had to submit our college applications because all of the universities required entrance exams. I also reviewed for the SATs prior to the pandemic because I thought I would be applying, and possibly studying, in colleges abroad. Besides this, I simply compiled all my accomplishments and academic achievements during high school.

What adaptations did you need to make to your preparations?

Achi Chaella: To be honest, I had to completely surrender everything to God. This should be done even without the pandemic, but it was definitely emphasized in this season. Without the CETs, I had no other choice but to give everything up to God and watch his plans for me unfold. It was a scary, but humbling experience.

(Aside from that, I actually think that the schools made the adaptations for us. I am so grateful for the blessing of technology that the universities were able to adjust and provide solutions despite the challenges brought about by the pandemic.)

Achi Caitlyn: Instead of reviewing for the entrance exams, which was a significant part of the acceptance, I focused on the essays that I needed to submit. There was not much I could do other than this because my grades were already final and unchangeable.

What was one thing you wished you prioritized more after applications changed?

Achi Chaella: My grades! The application process was heavily dependent on our grades throughout high school including the years we didn’t think would matter for college applications. So I definitely wished I prioritized keeping my grades up especially in the 8th grade.

Achi Caitlyn: One thing I regret the most is not putting effort or prioritizing my studies at a young age. I started taking my grades and classes seriously in Grade 10, which is relatively late. When the college applications changed, the universities focused more on the grades of the students instead of their performance on college entrance exams, which I’m sure negatively affected numerous students who were only planning to take the entrance exams seriously. I was just fortunate that during Grade 10-11 I was one of the top students, and I was active and held major positions in school clubs and organizations. Thus, it gave me a greater chance of acceptance in the universities.

What was one thing that stayed the same regardless if it was applications prior or during the pandemic?

Achi Chaella: I think most of the application forms stayed the same.

Achi Caitlyn: One thing that stayed the same was the necessary documents that we had to submit—personal essays, recommendation letters, and report cards.

Seeing that the nature of applications are still uncertain, how would you suggest graduating students prepare?

Achi Chaella: Don’t settle with a “this isn’t important so I won’t put in much effort” mindset because you never know what can happen and how quickly things can change. Continue working hard and doing your best in your academics while still giving yourself time to rest. In the end, whatever happens may be out of your control, but never out of God’s. Just trust Him and pray for the guidance, courage, and wisdom to walk in the path he has set out for you.

Achi Caitlyn: I’ve heard rumors that they are bringing back the entrance exams instead of basing the acceptance solely on grades. I would recommend studying for these exams regardless if it will happen or not because it’s better to be prepared for the exam and not take it than the other way around.

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